Jul 29, 2021 0600 UTC Day 1 Convective Outlook
Updated: Thu Jul 29 05:26:53 UTC 2021 (20210729 1200Z Day 1 shapefile | 20210729 1200Z Day 1 KML)
Probabilistic to Categorical Outlook Conversion Table
Categorical Graphic
20210729 1200 UTC Day 1 Outlook Graphic
Day 1 Risk Area (sq. mi.) Area Pop. Some Larger Population Centers in Risk Area
ENHANCED 27,142 16,056,376 Philadelphia, PA...Baltimore, MD...Washington, DC...Arlington, VA...Toms River, NJ...
SLIGHT 196,102 50,075,495 New York, NY...Indianapolis, IN...Columbus, OH...St. Louis, MO...Pittsburgh, PA...
MARGINAL 206,570 26,865,692 Chicago, IL...Detroit, MI...Cleveland, OH...Toledo, OH...Lincoln, NE...
Probabilistic Tornado Graphic
20210729 1200 UTC Day 1 Tornado Probabilities Graphic
Probability of a tornado within 25 miles of a point.
Hatched Area: 10% or greater probability of EF2 - EF5 tornadoes within 25 miles of a point.
Day 1 Tornado Risk Area (sq. mi.) Area Pop. Some Larger Population Centers in Risk Area
5 % 50,416 25,314,627 Philadelphia, PA...Baltimore, MD...Washington, DC...Pittsburgh, PA...Arlington, VA...
2 % 126,415 40,788,967 New York, NY...Indianapolis, IN...Columbus, OH...Cincinnati, OH...Newark, NJ...
Probabilistic Damaging Wind Graphic
20210729 1200 UTC Day 1 Damaging Wind Probabilities Graphic
Probability of damaging thunderstorm winds or wind gusts of 50 knots or higher within 25 miles of a point.
Hatched Area: 10% of greater probability of wind gusts 65 knots or greater within 25 miles of a point.
Day 1 Wind Risk Area (sq. mi.) Area Pop. Some Larger Population Centers in Risk Area
30 % 27,021 15,786,608 Philadelphia, PA...Baltimore, MD...Washington, DC...Arlington, VA...Toms River, NJ...
15 % 196,165 50,081,923 New York, NY...Indianapolis, IN...Columbus, OH...St. Louis, MO...Pittsburgh, PA...
5 % 205,650 26,975,595 Chicago, IL...Detroit, MI...Cleveland, OH...Toledo, OH...Lincoln, NE...
Probabilistic Large Hail Graphic
20210729 1200 UTC Day 1 Large Hail Probabilities Graphic
Probability of hail 1" or larger within 25 miles of a point.
Hatched Area: 10% or greater probability of hail 2" or larger within 25 miles of a point.
Day 1 Hail Risk Area (sq. mi.) Area Pop. Some Larger Population Centers in Risk Area
15 % 48,832 11,984,895 Indianapolis, IN...Baltimore, MD...Washington, DC...Arlington, VA...Springfield, IL...
5 % 294,766 51,531,789 New York, NY...Philadelphia, PA...Columbus, OH...St. Louis, MO...Pittsburgh, PA...
   SPC AC 290526

   Day 1 Convective Outlook  
   NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
   1226 AM CDT Thu Jul 29 2021

   Valid 291200Z - 301200Z


   Thunderstorms associated with wind damage and a risk for a tornado,
   will be possible from the Ohio Valley, central Appalachians and
   Mid-Atlantic states on Thursday.

   ...Northeast through Middle Atlantic area...

   Upper pattern in this region will be characterized by a broad trough
   today. MCV/shortwave trough embedded within the synoptic trough will
   move from the lower Great Lakes to the Middle Atlantic. At the
   surface a warm front will move northward through the Middle
   Atlantic, while a cold front advances southeast, reaching PA and the
   central Appalachians by evening. Thunderstorms should be in progress
   at the start of the period in association with the MCV over the
   southern portion of the Great Lakes. Other storms may be ongoing in
   the warm-advection regime north of the warm front over a portion of
   the Middle Atlantic. Widespread multi-layer clouds may precede the
   warm front. However, the warm sector should become moderately
   unstable during the afternoon with 1000-2000 J/kg MLCAPE supported
   by the advection of richer low-level moisture and pockets of
   diabatic heating. Thunderstorms are expected to develop ahead of the
   cold front in association with ascent attending the southeast-moving
   MCV as well as along the southeast-advancing cold front. This area
   will reside within belt of stronger mid-upper flow associated with
   the synoptic trough supporting 40-45 kt effective bulk shear.
   Therefore, some supercells may evolve along with line segments with
   bowing structures as activity develops southeast during the
   afternoon into the evening. Primary threat appears to be damaging
   wind and possibly some hail, though low-level hodographs will be
   sufficient for a few tornadoes, especially if sufficient instability
   can develop in vicinity of the warm front.  

   ...Ohio Valley through the Midwest region...

   Trailing portion of the cold front will extend westward through the
   Ohio Valley and into the Midwest during the afternoon. The
   pre-frontal warm sector should become moderately to strongly
   unstable with 2000-3500 J/kg MLCAPE possible as the moist boundary
   layer warms. Storms will likely develop along the cold front and
   possibly along any remnant pre-frontal outflow boundaries and spread
   southward. Winds aloft will decrease with western extent toward the
   Midwest, but 25-40 kt effective bulk shear will be sufficient for
   some organized structures, especially given expected degree of
   instability. Both multicell lines and a few supercell structures
   will be possible in this regime with damaging wind and hail the main

   ...Central High Plains region...

   Easterly upslope flow will become established in the post-frontal
   region of the central High Plains during the afternoon resulting in
   corridor of moderate instability from eastern WY into NE. The
   proximity to the upper ridge suggests forcing aloft will remain
   weak. However, storms will likely develop over the higher terrain
   and spread east during the late afternoon into the evening, possibly
   evolving into a small MCS. Other more isolated storms might develop
   farther east along the stalled front. Up to 35-40 kt effective bulk
   shear will support some organized structures with isolated damaging
   wind and hail the main threats from late afternoon into the evening.

   ..Dial/Bentley.. 07/29/2021