ZCZC SPCSWOMCD ALL ACUS11 KWNS 222054 SPC MCD 222054 TXZ000-OKZ000-COZ000-NMZ000-222300- Mesoscale Discussion 1680 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0354 PM CDT Sat Jul 22 2023 Areas affected...Eastern New Mexico and the western Texas Panhandle into Southwest Texas Concerning...Severe potential...Watch unlikely Valid 222054Z - 222300Z Probability of Watch Issuance...20 percent SUMMARY...Scattered storms capable of large hail and strong winds possible late afternoon/early evening. DISCUSSION...Scattered thunderstorm development is expected across eastern New Mexico through the afternoon and early evening, with some uncertainty as to how far into Texas storms will track. Cumulus has increased across northeastern New Mexico with attempts at cell development over the last hour. Additionally, areas of convection ongoing across the high terrain may move into the lower elevations through the afternoon as well. MLCAPE is observed around 1000-2000 J/kg. Shear is largely confined to far northeastern New Mexico into the Texas Panhandle. Given uncertainty in coverage and if storms will track into the best shear/instability overlap, a watch is unlikely at this time. Isolated instances of large hail and gusty winds will be possible. ..Thornton/Hart.. 07/22/2023 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...LUB...AMA...MAF...PUB...ABQ... LAT...LON 35200526 35830477 36380435 36850379 37050334 37030272 36700255 36340240 35930238 35510236 35190240 34730240 34110247 33860261 33690278 33570299 33410347 33310398 33680481 34290533 35200526 NNNN