ZCZC SPCSWOMCD ALL ACUS11 KWNS 102042 SPC MCD 102042 MIZ000-WIZ000-MNZ000-102245- Mesoscale Discussion 1487 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0342 PM CDT Mon Jul 10 2023 Areas affected...Far southeastern MN...northern WI...and southern Upper MI Concerning...Severe potential...Watch possible Valid 102042Z - 102245Z Probability of Watch Issuance...40 percent SUMMARY...The potential for severe storms capable of damaging winds and large hail should increase during the next few hours. A watch may eventually be needed for parts of the area. DISCUSSION...Visible satellite loops indicate deepening cumulus along an east-west-oriented cold front draped across parts of Upper MI, northern WI, and east-central MN. Continued diurnal destabilization amid frontal convergence should support increasing convective development during the next couple hours in the vicinity of the front as it moves slowly southward. Around 40 kt of effective shear oriented parallel to the cold front should favor a couple organized clusters and perhaps supercell structures capable of damaging winds and isolated large hail. With the stronger deep-layer flow/shear generally confined to the cool side of the cold front, it is somewhat unclear how organized storms will be as they progress southward into the stronger surface-based instability into the early evening. Environmental and convective trends will be monitored during the next couple hours for a potential watch issuance. ..Weinman/Mosier.. 07/10/2023 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...MQT...GRB...DLH...ARX...MPX... LAT...LON 45328659 45948623 46208640 46318677 46278740 46228833 46138997 45989094 45789198 45579268 45309326 45019348 44579354 44199316 44009271 44039203 44129150 44439022 44668915 44978716 45328659 NNNN