ZCZC SPCSWOMCD ALL ACUS11 KWNS 132104 SPC MCD 132104 TXZ000-132230- Mesoscale Discussion 1019 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0404 PM CDT Tue Jun 13 2023 Areas affected...portions of central Texas Concerning...Severe potential...Watch possible Valid 132104Z - 132230Z Probability of Watch Issuance...40 percent SUMMARY...A conditional severe threat may ultimately materialize across portions of central Texas before sunset, though convective initiation is uncertain. If storms can develop and mature, supercells are likely, with large hail greater than 2 inches in diameter likely. Convective trends are being monitored for the need of a WW. DISCUSSION...Widespread cloud cover has been giving way to relatively greater insolation over the past few hours, resulting in temperatures warming into the 90s F. 7-8 C/km mid-level lapse rates, overspreading surface dewpoints in the lower 70s F, are contributing to extreme instability, with SBCAPE/MLCAPE exceeding 5500/4500 J/kg (per 20Z mesoanalysis). With effective bulk shear values exceeding 65 kts (driven by strong speed shear and resultant elongated hodographs), the ambient environment is highly supportive of intense splitting supercells capable of producing significant severe hail. However, overall forcing for ascent is expected to be modest at best as a weak mid-level perturbation overspreads the region. Furthermore, some capping/cloud cover remains across the warm sector, further reducing the confidence of convective initiation, at least in the short term. A small area of agitated cumulus has developed just west of the moist axis in the Irion/Tom Green County area and these cumulus are being monitored as a possible source of convective initiation. If confidence increases in initiation, a WW issuance may eventually be issued. ..Squitieri/Thompson.. 06/13/2023 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...FWD...EWX...SJT... LAT...LON 30679936 30769971 31080014 31510019 31859983 32179894 32319825 32299758 32169736 31789720 31359729 31049766 30739813 30599880 30679936 NNNN