ZCZC SPCSWOMCD ALL ACUS11 KWNS 232227 SPC MCD 232227 PAZ000-WVZ000-OHZ000-KYZ000-INZ000-240030- Mesoscale Discussion 0312 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0527 PM CDT Thu Mar 23 2023 Areas affected...parts of southern Indiana...central and southern Ohio...adjacent north central Kentucky...the northern West Virginia Panhandle and southwestern Pennsylvania Concerning...Severe potential...Watch unlikely Valid 232227Z - 240030Z Probability of Watch Issuance...20 percent SUMMARY...Isolated to widely scattered strong storms posing a risk for mainly marginally severe hail and wind are possible through around 8-10 PM EDT. DISCUSSION...Forcing for ascent along a slowly southward advancing cold front has been sufficient to support the initiation of scattered thunderstorm activity. This is occurring beneath the northwestern periphery of large-scale mid/upper ridging, but westerly flow aloft is quite strong and contributing to strong deep-layer shear. A narrow pre-frontal corridor has become at least weakly unstable with mixed-layer CAPE up to around 500 J/kg, aided by modestly steep mid-level lapse rates. This might support a couple of strong storms which could eventually produce severe hail before convection weakens as the boundary-layer instability wanes after dark. The potential for localized strong surface gusts is a bit more unclear due to generally moist low-level thermodynamic profiles with weak lapse rates. However, some mixing down to the surface of stronger westerly low-level flow (40-50 kt around 850 mb) appears possible across southeastern Ohio into southwestern Pennsylvania. ..Kerr/Thompson.. 03/23/2023 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...PBZ...RLX...ILN...LMK...IND... LAT...LON 38768671 39428491 39698400 39998241 40388036 39918021 39308098 39068300 38848433 38648633 38768671 NNNN