ZCZC SPCSWOMCD ALL ACUS11 KWNS 221715 SPC MCD 221715 NCZ000-221945- Mesoscale Discussion 2063 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1115 AM CST Thu Dec 22 2022 Areas affected...coastal North Carolina Concerning...Severe potential...Watch unlikely Valid 221715Z - 221945Z Probability of Watch Issuance...5 percent SUMMARY...A conditional threat for a supercell could develop over the coastal counties, depending on moisture recovery. At this time, severe weather appears unlikely. DISCUSSION...Surface analysis shows rain-cooled air over land, with a narrow plume of 62-63 F dewpoints just ahead of a line of convection extending south from the coast. Modified forecast soundings indicate dewpoints at or above 64 F may result in favorable boundary-layer instability to support a supercell and/or brief tornado threat, as 0-1 SRH exceeds 200 m2/s2. Strong drying and downward motion exist behind the line of convection, which continues to move rapidly eastward. As such, any severe threat will be limited to this line. The strongest cells currently remain offshore, and with little lightning. A watch is thus unlikely given the conditionality of the threat, but observational trends will continue to be monitored. ..Jewell/Grams.. 12/22/2022 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...MHX...ILM... LAT...LON 34417754 34577758 34727774 34997741 35137686 35277579 35127575 34877621 34637642 34567654 34647668 34657690 34557719 34437740 34417754 NNNN