ZCZC SPCSWOMCD ALL ACUS11 KWNS 172232 SPC MCD 172232 TXZ000-180030- Mesoscale Discussion 1885 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0532 PM CDT Mon Oct 17 2022 Areas affected...Deep south Texas Concerning...Severe potential...Watch unlikely Valid 172232Z - 180030Z Probability of Watch Issuance...5 percent SUMMARY...A severe thunderstorm moving along the Rio Grande will pose a large hail and wind risk over the next 2-3 hours across deep south Texas. Given the limited spatial extent of the threat, a watch is not expected. DISCUSSION...A supercell moving along the Rio Grande river has shown an uptick in intensity over the past 30 minutes by most metrics, including an rapid increase in lightning counts, strong cloud top cooling, and the development of an organized mesocyclone. Despite behind displaced well behind a surface cold front, the downstream environment features warm surface temperatures in the low 80s with rich moisture content (dewpoints in the 70s) that are fostering 1000-2000 J/kg MLCAPE per latest RAP mesoanalysis estimates. Westerly 40-50 knot effective shear values are also favorable for storm maintenance. Based on radar storm motion estimates, this cell will continue to propagate to the east/southeast towards the Brownsville, TX region over the next 2-3 hours. The probability of this storm weakening during this period appears low given the aforementioned environment, so a large hail and severe wind risk appears likely for deep south TX for the next few hours. ..Moore/Bunting.. 10/17/2022 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...BRO... LAT...LON 26489917 26659900 26639860 26479803 26329727 26099716 25839718 25769749 25819780 25989846 26169886 26349922 26489917 NNNN