ZCZC SPCSWOMCD ALL ACUS11 KWNS 211930 SPC MCD 211930 WVZ000-PAZ000-OHZ000-212030- Mesoscale Discussion 0481 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0230 PM CDT Mon May 21 2018 Areas affected...Portions of the upper Ohio Valley Concerning...Severe potential...Watch unlikely Valid 211930Z - 212030Z Probability of Watch Issuance...5 percent SUMMARY...A threat for isolated damaging winds and perhaps an instance of marginally severe hail exists late this afternoon across parts of the upper Ohio Valley. The threat will likely remain too unorganized for watch issuance, however. DISCUSSION...After developing within a weak warm-advection regime over southwest Ohio this morning, thunderstorms have slowly evolved eastward this afternoon, with some recent southward component of propagation into stronger instability. One cell over Washington Co, OH, has exhibited a deepening reflectivity core over the last hour or so, likely in response to ongoing boundary-layer destabilization. While flow aloft is not particularly impressive, these cells exist on the southern fringe of stronger 500mb westerlies, with about 25 kt of effective shear promoting multicellular evolution. As convection continues east/southeast, a few instances of gusty, potentially damaging winds may be realized. Relatively poor mid-level lapse rates will temper hail growth aloft, but an instance of marginally severe hail could occur as well. Considering the low-end nature of the threat, watch issuance is not expected. ..Picca/Weiss.. 05/21/2018 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...PBZ...RLX...ILN... LAT...LON 38988262 39578178 39738048 39718036 39598014 39217992 38908008 38658040 38118132 38018162 38278221 38628274 38988262 NNNN