ZCZC SPCSWOMCD ALL ACUS11 KWNS 290425 SPC MCD 290425 ALZ000-MSZ000-ARZ000-LAZ000-290630- Mesoscale Discussion 1912 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1025 PM CST Wed Dec 28 2016 Areas affected...southeastern AR...northern LA...north-central MS...and west-central AL Concerning...Severe potential...Watch unlikely Valid 290425Z - 290630Z Probability of Watch Issuance...20 percent SUMMARY...An isolated wind-damage threat may develop over the next several hours with an intensifying squall line located along an east-southeastward moving cold front as it pushes through AR, MS, and into AL overnight. The coverage of severe is not expected to warrant a severe thunderstorm watch. DISCUSSION...Radar mosaic and MRMS CAPPI 9-km imagery show an organizing band of storms over southeastern AR. 04 UTC surface analysis indicates a cold front is co-located with the storms and the frontal lift appears to be partially responsible for the development of storms in combination with a shortwave trough glancing the region as it moves eastward across the Ozarks. It is important to note this developing thunderstorm band is currently moving into a warm frontal zone and an area of richer low-level moisture with surface dewpoints in the lower 60s deg F. As a result of both cool H5 temperatures around -14 deg C yielding H7-H5 lapse rates around 7.5 deg C/km and a slight uptick in moisture, 500-1000 J/kg MUCAPE is evident. The 2-km deep moist layer depicted in forecast soundings suggests surface cooling owing to the loss of daytime heating will be thwarted by weak low-level moist/warm advection. The strong shear profile will act to organize cold pools and potential small-scale bowing segments. Yet, despite some favorable factors for an organized squall line, weak 0-2 km lapse rates less than 5 deg C/km will be less than ideal for momentum transfer. Nonetheless, an isolated risk for wind damage may develop as the squall line continues to mature as it moves east-southeast across southeastern AR and into MS tonight. ..Smith/Hart.. 12/29/2016 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...BMX...MOB...MEG...JAN...LZK...SHV... LAT...LON 33199303 33699194 34238971 33998808 33188784 32288843 32069239 32529307 33199303 NNNN