ZCZC SPCSWOMCD ALL ACUS11 KWNS 180830 SPC MCD 180830 OHZ000-KYZ000-TNZ000-ALZ000-MSZ000-181230- Mesoscale Discussion 1898 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0230 AM CST Sun Dec 18 2016 Areas affected...Northeast MS...far northwest AL...west and middle TN...central to northeast KY...and southern OH Concerning...Freezing rain Valid 180830Z - 181230Z SUMMARY...Surface temperatures will continue to fall overnight in the wake of the cold front. As readings fall below 32 F, freezing rain with rates of 0.05-0.10 inches per hour will continue to be the initial wintry precipitation-type, as a 70-100 mile wide swath of stratiform rain spreads across the discussion area through 11-12Z. Sleet should mix in from west to east as the cold air deepens. DISCUSSION...Strong low-level cold air advection will continue in the post-frontal air mass across the discussion area from northern MS to southern OH overnight, as the cold front advances toward the Appalachian Mountains. Trends in mosaic radar imagery indicated a 70-100 mile wide swath of stratiform precipitation in the wake of the cold front. As surface temperatures fall below 32 F in this post-frontal air mass, a residual warm layer above the surface will support freezing rain as the primary precipitation type as has already been observed in northern MS through west TN, southwest KY to central OH. Precipitation rates of 0.05-0.10 inches per hour will be common, though locally higher rates cannot be ruled out. Meanwhile, forecast soundings suggest as the vertical thermal profile cools in the lower-troposphere, the warm nose will diminish allowing sleet to mix in and or become the primary precipitation type. ..Peters.. 12/18/2016 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...RLX...JKL...ILN...LMK...OHX...HUN...PAH...MEG... LAT...LON 34468935 35438909 37238646 38218473 39258264 39018230 38458259 37088432 36738502 35908614 35448668 34808753 34168840 34188910 34468935 NNNN